Friday, January 5, 2018

Life Lessons from RAA: Humanity and Their Co-Dependent Relationships (Video)

Life Lessons from RAA: Humanity and Their Co-dependent Relationships

Peace & Blessings to you, your family and loved ones.  My name is Nana Baakan and I am inviting you to join me in this video series, entitled "Life Lessons from RAA" I will be sharing messages that I have received during my meditations over the 2017 Winter Solstice cycle.. I am a psychic and medium and with permission, I am sharing these messages with you.  I hope that you will get something meaningful from them as I have.

This message focuses on humanity and their co-dependent relationships.
The message is as follows…..

"Many human relationships become co-dependent, when the individuals seek validation from one another. In many instances, they are seeking validation from others, who in many cases can barely validate themselves.  This leads to toxic relationships.

In these days and times, individuals become addicted to the response that they receive on their devices.  They have become co-dependent on their devices as it gives them validation and on many levels, and, from perfect strangers, who know nothing about them on a personal level.

The Machine has taken over and human sentiments are tied to the Machine's responses to them.  It fills the void that was created when human beings were separated from their intrinsic spiritual natures.

It takes courage to stand alone in your own personal power, be assured in your own personal worth and then to stand up and say these words, "I Am Somebody" whether or not that is acknowledged by any one."

List of Lessons from RAA
Life Lessons from RAA-Humanity and Their Devices
Life Lessons from RAA: Humanity and Their Co-Dependent Relationships
Life Lessons from RAA: Healthy Support In Human Relationships

Support My Work, it would be greatly appreciated. YouTube is doing its level best to make it hard for content creators.

Available for Psychic Readings, Dream Interpretation and  I Ching Workshops.

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